There are two kinds of people in this world: Those who sort of geek out over Eurovision, and those who somehow remain completely oblivious to the international song competition. Given that MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow has publicly declared herself to be one of the former, we consider ourselves to be in good company.
For the uninitiated, Eurovision features several dozen countries performing songs which are often wildly over the top. How far? Well, last year’s winner was Conchita Wurst, a bearded drag queen who belted out the tune “Rise Like a Phoenix.” (In the name of full disclosure, it should be noted that “Phoenix” was co-written by this site’s co-founder, Charlie Mason!) Over the years, the festival has featured singing pirates, crooning grannies and even, in 2008, a ginormous warbling turkey named Dustin.

But every now and then, some truly awesome music emerges, including this year’s entry from Britain, “Still In Love With You” by the pop duo Electro Velvet. The catchy song will have you tapping your toes and comparing it to 1983’s version of the Irving Berlin classic “Puttin’ On The Ritz.” Not that everyone is thrilled with the selection. Writing for Britain’s The Telegraph, Neil McCormick slammed the selection as “a trumped up cabaret duo featuring the frontman for a Rolling Stones tribute act and a girl who failed the blind audition for the last series of The Voice performing an ersatz music hall jazz triffle written to order by a veteran professional jingle writer.”

Then again, trashing Eurovision entries is traditionally half the fun and, where England is concerned, practically a national pastime. Eurovision 2015 will be broadcast from Vienna beginning on May 19, at which point the world will be able to judge the United Kingdom’s entry for themselves. Want to get a jump start on the judging? That’s why we’re here! Ready? Set? Dance!
So… does England have a hit or a miss on its hands? Sound-off in the comment section below!