The whole reason we created Moment of Awesome was to make people smile. So when we sat down to think about what we’d feature on the first day of our launch (technically, a re-launch), we knew it had to involve a puppy. Who doesn’t love puppies in general, and corgi’s in particular? And once we’d made that decision, well… the rest fell into place.
Meet Hercules, a Welsh Corgi who is about to take you through a typical day in his life. You might as well bookmark this page right now, because you’re going to find yourself wanting to spend time with Hercules every time you need a pick-me-up.
So welcome to Moment of Awesome… which will likely never be able to post anything better than this in the future. But we’ll try!
It’s probably safe to say that Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody is one of the best known pieces of music from the modern rock era. Thanks to its use in movies, TV shows and advertisements, even people who think they don’t know the tune have probably had the earworm stuck in their head.
But you’ve probably never heard it done quite like this…
Because when you think of Bohemian Rhapsody, it’s unlikely you think of a pipe organ, let alone a player pipe organ. So I suggest bookmarking this page, because after watching this awesome video, you may find yourself unable to hear the original tune without immediately wanting to show everyone in the vicinity this clip…
For his follow-up to his viral smash mash-up “The Golden Age of Video,” Ricardo Autobahn allowed the kibitzing of this site’s Charlie Mason, whose obsession with femmes fatales is as well known as Margo Channing’s fondness for martinis.
The result is “The Golden Age of Bad Girls,” which is almost certainly the only song you’ll hear today that features the vocal stylings of actresses ranging from Taylor Swift to Kim Richards and from Molly Ringwald to Maggie Smith. If you’d like to do the math, take Autobahn’s “Golden Age of Video” (edited by the indefatigable Rev. Diva Schematic)…
… add to it Charlie’s vixen addiction, as exhibited in his own tribute video…
… and you wind up with “The Golden Age of Bad Girls”:
How many of the flicks and their oh-do-devilish divas can you name? List them in the comment section below! Ready? Set… GO!
Every year around this time, the big networks begin pimping their new programs. And let’s face it… a whole lot if it is crap. I mean, how many CSI or Chicago PD spin-offs does one really need?
But every now and then, something comes along that makes you sit up and say… wocka wocka!
That’s right, kids, The Muppets are back… and they’re better than ever! We’ll admit that upon hearing ABC’s pitch for the latest rebooting of the much-loved franchise, we were more than a little nervous. After all, it was described as being “more adult” and delving into the personal lives of Kermit, Miss Piggy and their pals. For many of us, it started to sound a little too much like the racy Broadway play Avenue Q, which is not what we want from our favorite furry pals.
But now, ABC has released the first trailer for the show and we’re left saying, to quote Sam the Eagle, “God Bless America and its broadcasting company!” Want a peek at the new show? Here ya go!
There are two kinds of people in this world: Those who sort of geek out over Eurovision, and those who somehow remain completely oblivious to the international song competition. Given that MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow has publicly declared herself to be one of the former, we consider ourselves to be in good company.
For the uninitiated, Eurovision features several dozen countries performing songs which are often wildly over the top. How far? Well, last year’s winner was Conchita Wurst, a bearded drag queen who belted out the tune “Rise Like a Phoenix.” (In the name of full disclosure, it should be noted that “Phoenix” was co-written by this site’s co-founder, Charlie Mason!) Over the years, the festival has featured singing pirates, crooning grannies and even, in 2008, a ginormous warbling turkey named Dustin.
Sometimes, being the Wurst can be awesome!
But every now and then, some truly awesome music emerges, including this year’s entry from Britain, “Still In Love With You” by the pop duo Electro Velvet. The catchy song will have you tapping your toes and comparing it to 1983’s version of the Irving Berlin classic “Puttin’ On The Ritz.” Not that everyone is thrilled with the selection. Writing for Britain’s The Telegraph, Neil McCormick slammed the selection as “a trumped up cabaret duo featuring the frontman for a Rolling Stones tribute act and a girl who failed the blind audition for the last series of The Voice performing an ersatz music hall jazz triffle written to order by a veteran professional jingle writer.”
Bianca Nicholas and Alex Larke prove they’re a couple of swingers!
Then again, trashing Eurovision entries is traditionally half the fun and, where England is concerned, practically a national pastime. Eurovision 2015 will be broadcast from Vienna beginning on May 19, at which point the world will be able to judge the United Kingdom’s entry for themselves. Want to get a jump start on the judging? That’s why we’re here! Ready? Set? Dance!
So… does England have a hit or a miss on its hands? Sound-off in the comment section below!
A while back, Walt Disney World introduced Magic Bands, a piece of technology which completely changed the game for park visitors. In essence, the high-tech bracelet allows guests to do everything from accessing their hotel rooms to paying for souvenirs.
But at least one woman says that the company has taken this whole thing a step too far.
We don’t want to point fingers, but Cruella was acting awfully suspicious…
According to the West Virginia Record, Julie Lynne Hooker is suing the House of Mouse for having implanted her with a rubber chip. Not only that, but she apparently has an inside source who is willing to blow the whistle on the “d-chip” plot, which we can only assume is part of Disney’s Pinky & The Brain style attempt at world domination!
The paper reports that Hooker “is seeking monetary damages and for the chip to be removed from her body.”
This probably will not come as a surprise to anyone, but Hooker is representing herself. Rest assured, we’ll be keeping an eye on this story, so file it under “awesome updates to come.”
Previously, we thought the coolest thing to come out of Norway would be the threesome that sang “Take On Me” in the ’80s. But that was before we heard the Scandinavian country’s entry in the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest (it’s sorta like American Idol, only a million times bigger and with a greater variety of accents).
Not only is the duo of “A Monster Like Me” music to our ears, its video is as gorgeous as it is wicked. Savor it!
If you’re looking for a reason to sign-up for Amazon’s new Dash button, let me say six little words to you: Never run out of coffee again.
So what is the Amazon Dash button? Basically, if you are an Amazon Prime member, you can request a Dash button for one of 18 popular products. Say, for example, Tide laundry detergent. You program the button so that when pushed, it automatically places an Amazon order for the item you’re running low on. (Worried about someone accidentally pushing the button? Don’t… you get a text on your phone whenever an order is placed, making it easy to cancel!) This video might help explain it better than we can…
While some critics are calling the Dash button a rather blatant attempt to boost the number of people signing up for Amazon Prime — which it undoubtedly is — this is also one of those inventions that is so useful and so simple, it’s hard to believe nobody thought of it sooner.
Will you get a Dash button? What product would you use it to order most often?
Welcome to the bizarre world of Danger 5, an Australian series which last month made its Netflix debut. Although it pretty much defies description, we’re going to do our best. Set during World War II, Danger 5 follows the adventures of a group of international spies — bet you can guess how many based on the title — who are out to kill Hitler. Along the way, they must deal with She Nazis, blimps which steal the Eiffel Tower and someone claiming to be from the lost city of Atlantis.
Tell us you’re not intrigued. On the off chance you somehow aren’t completely convinced yet, here’s the trailer. But be warned: Once you’ve seen it, there’s no turning back. Close the shades and block the doors, because you’re about to go on a binge.
We’re sure that Indiana is just chock full of wonderful people. Unfortunately, they’re being overshadowed these days by some of the politicians who’d love nothing more than to see the state legalize discrimination. In discussing a new law scheduled to be implemented this July, representative Ed DeLaney told a group of protesters it “does not openly allow discrimination, no, but what it does is create a road map, a path to discrimination.”
Even as it became clear that the new law threatened to not only embarrass state officials but have an economic impact thanks to companies taking their business elsewhere, the Internet Action Force uploaded a video proving that sometimes, the best approach is to fight fire with funny. Perhaps Indiana’s board of tourism should consider adapting this approach! If you can’t fight ’em, welcome ’em!